Training Process


The process

Dancetherapy according to the Maria Fux® Method is an artistic path that favors self-knowledge, communication with others and with the surrounding reality, through movement.

It is the possibility of accepting limits and transcendence at the same time; a language of the body that manifests itself and asserts itself following an artistic itinerary of awareness, presence, freedom, affectivity.

Because it is based on creativity through body expression, it can be used as an enriching tool in other paths such as traditional medicine or psychology, but in the training process it does not need other complements, as it is based on its own peculiar language , thus following the intuition of the creator of the Methodology, Maria Fux.

The training is therefore articulated in the knowledge of dancetherapy as body language, in the dimension of listening to oneself and the other, in the meticulously protected and oriented stages of conduction to reach external applications aimed at groups of different identities and with difficulties or not.

In complete harmony with my teacher Maria Fux, I affirm that dance therapy is a long, perhaps infinite, search for the creative movement that inhabits us. It does not feed on recipes or inventions that follow criteria dictated by marketing. I believe it is, on the contrary, a choice made of flights and falls, a wise learning of listening, alien to vanity and haste. It moves me to see groups, in Brazil as well as in Italy, Nepal, India, available for this meeting that I define without hesitation, of love, Pio Campo

Some topics addressed in the formative artistic path:

  • develop awareness of the body, its possibilities and limits;
  • discover the dimensions of the body and recover its unity;
  • the body as a propeller of feelings and emotions;
  • knowing the relationship between body and space;
  • dimensions and conceptions of space;
  • dialogue with space;
  • line and color as communication with the deaf and hypoacoustic;
  • the voice-body;
  • search for interpersonal relationships through non-verbal language;
  • discovery of inner space and its mysteries;
  • understanding of music through non-audible stimuli;
  • internal rhythm and its relationship with the word;
  • music experienced through one’s own perceptions;
  • valuing physical and psychological differences as paths to growth through dance;
  • the dance that understands and reinterprets the various phases and ages of life;
  • understanding of visible and invisible dimensions through movement;
  • the danced myth as a reinterpretation of existence;
  • silence: journey through the body.

Formation plan


“Training in Dancetherapy is an artistic path that favors self-knowledge: returning to inhabit one’s own body, recognizing oneself as creative human beings in motion…”